Friday, November 26, 2010

गाउँ विकास समिति बालकोट

भौगोलिक स्थिति
यस गाउँ विकास समिति उत्तरी अक्षांश २७ डिग्री ३७ मिनट देखि २७ डिग्री ४४ मिनट र देशान्तर ८५ डिग्री २१ मिनट देखि ८५ डिग्री ३२ मिनट भित्र पर्दछ । यस गाविस सदरमुकाम भक्तपुर जिल्ला देखि ७ किलो मिटर पश्चिम र राजधानी काठमाडौं हनुमानढोका देखि ९ किलो मिटर पूर्व रहेको रमणिय गाउँ नै बालकोट हो । यस गाउँको दक्षिणमा ढुग्रे खोला, चरखण्डी खोला, सिरुटार, टिकाथली गाविसहरु, पश्चिममा गोदावरी खोला, टिकाथली गाविस, उत्तरमा हनुमन्ते खोला, मध्यपुर थिमी नगरपालिका र पूर्वमा दधिकोट गाविस, यति चार किल्ला भित्र रहेको यस गाउँ विकास समिति बालकोट ७३८६ रोपनी जग्गामा फैलिएको छ ।

बालकोटको शाब्दिक अर्थ
नेपाल राजकिय प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठानद्वारा सम्पादित एवं प्रकाशित नेपाली बृहत शब्दकोश र बसन्त कुमार शर्मा नेपालद्वारा सम्पादित, भाषापुस्तक भण्डार, चाबेल काठमाडौंद्वारा प्रकाशित नेपाली शब्द सागर (सोपपत्तिक) कोशका अनुसार बहालको अर्थ बौद्ध मार्गीको मठ र मन्दिर, बिहार भन्ने उल्लेख भएको छ भने यी दुवै शब्दकोष अनुसार कोटको अर्थ किल्ला, दुर्ग, गडी, सैनिक छाउनी भन्ने बुझिन्छ । यहाँ हाल सम्म बौद्ध मार्गीहरुको मठ, मन्दिर, बिहार भेटिएको छैन तापनि वार्ड नं. १ र २ को सीमानामा, वार्ड नं. ३ को उत्तर पट्टीको डाँडो हाल बाग्मती परपर्टिजद्वारा निर्माणित बालकोट कलनी, वार्ड नं. ७ को राउत गाउँको मध्य भाग र वार्ड नं. ९ को कोटमा उत्तखनन् गर्दा पुराना समयका ईट्टा, ढुंगा आदि पाइएको छ । वार्ड नं. १ पहिले ललितपुर जिल्लामा पर्ने भएकाले वार्ड नं. २ मा अवस्थित बालविनायक गणेश मन्दिर र पाटी मल्ल राजाहरुको समयमा पाटन र भक्तपुर राज्यहरुको सीमाना थियो भन्ने बुझिन्छ । मल्लकालिन समय देखिनै भक्तपुर सल्लाघारीबाट हनुमन्ते र मनोहरा खोलाको तिरैतिर बालकुमारी हुँदै पाटन भक्तपुर आवतजावत गर्ने ठूलो बाटो अरनिको राजमार्गबाट राम्रै देखिन्छ । वडा दशैं अगाडि मछिन्द्रनाथको भोटो देखाउने साइत नपरी दशैं पछि भोटो देखाउनु परेमा यहि बाटोबाट रथ तानेर भक्तपुर पु¥याइ भोटो देखाउनु पर्ने परम्परा छ भन्ने बुझिन्छ । तर अहिले बाटो अतिक्रमण भएकाले कुनै ठाउँमा त बाटै छैन ।
यस गाविसको वार्ड नं. २ स्थित बालविनायक गणेश मन्दिर अगाडिको पाटीको थाम, मेठ, टुँडाल र निदालहरु मल्लकालिन युगका छन् । पाटीको अघिल्लो भागको बाहिरी निदालमा कुँदिएका नागका आकारमा दुइ तिरबाट आएका नागहरु बिचमा रहेको कलशको दायाँ बायाँ उठेका छन् । यहाँका बुढापाकाहरुको भनाइ अनुसार र १९८० सालको नापि नक्शा अनुसार निदालको कलश नै भक्तपुर र पाटनको सीमाना भएकाले वार्ड नं. १ पाटन हाल ललितपुर जिल्लामा परेको थियो । कलशको पश्चिम पट्टी पाटन र पूर्व पट्टी भक्तपुर भएकाले यी दुई राज्यका राजाहरु आपशमा वार्ता गर्नुपर्दा कलशको पश्चिम पट्टी पाटने राजा र पूर्व पट्टी भादगाउँले राजा बसी वार्ता गर्दथे भन्न भनाइ छ । राज्यहरुको अन्र्तराष्ट्रिय सीमानामा किल्ला, दुर्ग, गड, भवन, चैते आदि पनि हुनुपर्छ । यसैले बहालकोट शब्द अपभ्रम्स भइ बालकोट भएको हुँदा यसको अर्थ किल्ला (दुर्गमा रहेको चोक) भन्ने बुझिन्छ ।

आर्थिक स्थिति
पहिलेको अवस्था र अहिलेको अवस्थालाई तुलनात्मक दृष्टिकोणबाट दाज्ने हो भने यस गाउँको जनताको आर्थिक स्थितिमा धेरै सुधार आएको छ । पुराना जाँगरीला महिलाहरु तरकारी खेती गरेर नगद आर्जन गर्न सक्षम छन् भने पुरुषहरु जागिर, बन्दव्यापार एवं अन्य कुनै काम गरेर प्रति महिना ५÷७ हजार कमाउँदछन् । यस गाउँमा ३० वटा बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्थाहरु र विभिन्न कोषहरु खडा भएकाले प्रत्येक घरपरिवार सदस्य बनेका छन् भने आम्दानीको केहि अंश जम्मा गर्छन् । यसैले स–साना रकम कारोवारमा कसैसँग हात फैलाउनु पर्दैन ।
राजधानी काठमाडौं देखि ९ किलोमिटर दुरीमा रहेको यस गाविस केहि समय हाल रत्नपार्क देखि बिरुवासम्म बालकोटको बाटो हँुदै प्रत्येक ३०÷३० मिनेटमा र कलंकी देखि बालकोट सम्म प्रत्येक १०÷१० मिनेटमा निरन्तर चलिरहने यातायात सेवाहरुले बालकोटबासीलाई काठमाण्डौंका मुख्य केन्द्र जोड्न सफल भएको छ ।

यस गाउँ विकास समितिमा प्रजातन्त्र आउनु भन्दा पहिले कुनैपनि किसिमका विद्यालयहरु थिएनन् । प्रजातन्त्रको उदयपछि गाउँका शिक्षाप्रेमी एवं समाजसेवीहरुको शत्प्रयासबाट २००९ सालमा शान्ति विद्यालय स्थापना भएको थियोे । २०१५ साल भाद्र १७ गतेको मन्त्रिपरिषदको निर्णय अनुसार पूर्ण सरकारी स्वीकृति सहित पाँच जना शिक्षकहरुको व्यवस्था भएको थियो । श्री महेन्द शान्ति अ प्रा स्कुलको रुपमा स्वीकृति पाएको यस विद्यालय २०३१ सालमा निम्न माध्यमिक विद्यालयमा पुग्यो । २०३९ साल मंसिर १९ गते यसै श्री महेन्द्र शान्ति निम्न माध्यमिक विद्यालयमा माध्यामिक विद्यालयको रुपमा संचालन गर्ने निर्णय भयो र कक्षाहरु संचालन भए ।
यस माध्यमिक विद्यालयलाई उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालयमा लैजान भौतिक पूर्वाधार कोठाहरु नपुग्ने भएकाले नयाँ भवन निर्माणका लागि भारतीय दूतावासलाई अनुरोध गर्दा सकारात्मक बुझिए पनि भवन निर्माणका लागि हामी सँग आवश्यक मात्रामा जग्गा भएन । दाताहरु र सरकारबाट जग्गा खरिद नगर्ने, स्थानिय जनताहरुले नै जग्गा जुटाइदिनु पर्ने भएकाले जनसहयोगबाट ज्ञान महायज्ञ संचालन गरी रु. १,००,००,०००।– संकलनबाट २ रोपनी जग्गा खरिद गरिएको छ ।
यस गाउँमा सामुदायिक विद्यालयहरुमात्र होइन निजी विद्यालयहरु पनि प्रशस्त मात्रामा संचालनमा आएका छन्। यस गाँउमा जम्मा सामुदायिक मा.वि. १, सामुदायिक प्रा.वि. ४, निजी मा.वि. ६ र निजी प्रा.वि. २ गरी जम्मा १३ वटा विद्यालयहरु रहेका छन् । यस गाउँमा विद्यालय संख्यामात्र वृद्धि भएका होइनन्, ९५ प्रतिशत जनता पनि साक्षर छन् भने दुधे बालकहरु बाहेक सबै बालबालिकाहरु स्कुल जान्छन् । गाउँमा प्राविधिक डाक्टर, इञ्जिनीयर, ओभरसियरहरुको अतिरिक्त पिएचडि गर्नेहरु पनि छन् । विदेशमा अध्ययन गर्नेहरुको संख्या दिनप्रतिदिन बढ्दै छ ।

पिउने पानी
यस गाउँमा पिउने पानी आपूर्तिका लागि मुहानका लागि नैचालको डाँडामा खोजिगर्दा आशापुरी महादेव मन्दिर पश्चम पट्टीको डाँडाको खोल्चामा पानीको सानो मुहान भेटियो, त्यहि पानी ल्याएर जनतामा वितरण गर्ने योजना गरि वार्ड नं. ८ मा पानी ट्यांकी निर्माण गरियो र उक्त ट्यांकीमा संकलन भएको पानी गाविसको ९ वटै वडामा प्रत्येक वार्डमा तीन तीन वटा धाराहरु वितरण गरियो । जनसंख्या बृद्धिका कारण पानी खपत बढेकाले आपूर्ति कम हुन गयो । यसैले वार्ड नं. ८ र ३ मा डिप ट्यूवेल निर्माण गरी नैचालबाट ल्याएको पानीमा यी ट्यूवेलहरुबाट निकालिएको पानी मिसाई ११८४ वटा निजी धाराहरु वितरण गरिएको छ । उक्त पानी ट्यांकी निर्माण कार्य प्राय पूरा भइसकेको छ । अझै पानी आपूर्ति कम भएकाले वार्ड नं. ८ मा नै अर्को डिप ट्यूवेल तयार भएको छ भने केहि दिनमानै यसबाट आएको पानी पनि वितरण हुनेछ ।

राजधानी काठमाडौं नजिक र मध्यपुर ठिमी नगरपालिकासँग जोडिएको गाउँ भएकाले बिहानै सबै प्रकारका पत्रपत्रिकाहरु घरघरमा आइपुग्छन् । नियमित पत्रिका नलिनेहरु गाउँका पत्रिका पसलबाट आफूले चाहेको पत्रिका किनेर पढ्छन् । गाउँभित्र नै विभिन्न वडाहरुमा कम्प्युटर साइबर राखेका छन् भने कतिपयले आफ्नै घरमा पनि कम्प्युटर राखेका छन् । २०६० सालको बालकोट टेलिफोन डायरेक्ट्री अनुसार यस गाउँमा ५३१ वटा टेलिफोन लाइन आइसकेको थियो भने हालसम्म यसको संख्या धेरै बढिसकेको छ । अहिले प्रत्येक जसोको हातमा मोबाइल सेट देखिन्छ ।

रोहित बहादुर राना क्षत्री
बालकोट–२, भक्तपुर
२०६७ आश्विन ३ गते ।

Friday, November 12, 2010

Help us to help

We all know about Red Cross and its movement. how it started and how is it continuing in almost every country of the world. It has been started in 1863 but it took almost 100 years to reach in our country. Nepal Red Cross Society was established in 1963 september 4. So every year we celebrate this day as Nepal Red Cross Day. This year too we celebrated this day having public rally and then a big ceremony afterward. This might be my next blog post but today i am going to talk about Nepal Red Cross Society Balkot Sub Branch.

As most of my friend knows that we are building our own sub branch building, which about to look like the figure along side. Nepal Red Cross Society Balkot sub branch was established in 2001 january 29th. Since then it has been providing its humanitarian services. Balkot had given a room for its official pupose but later on due to certain reasons it had been shifted to a room given by Marigold English Boarding School (A private boarding school of Balkot). Now a days office of this sub branch has been shifted to a room given by Maitriya Saving and Credit Co-operative limited. So, NRCS balkot sub branch is facing problem of shifting its office every now and then and this problem would create problem in providing humanitarian services to desired persons as well. Presently NRCS Bhaktapur branch is also providing immidiate relief materials for those people who have lost their houses in disaster for about 25 families which has to be stored in sub branch itself so that it could be distributed to those persons who are in need of this in very short period of time. So, for removing this difficulties and also for helping the people of balkot areas in different aspects like by running our own ambulence and blood bank so that people could take greater advantage of Red Cross Movement in our village, we have started building our own Red Cross house. The estimated cost of this house is about NRs. 8,000,000 (about $107,00). For this we have started collecting funds from different helpful persons and organisation. Upto now we have already collected about NRs. 3,000,000(about $40,000). We went door to door in all houses of Balkot V.D.C. and collected this sum of money. Peoples are also coming to us showing willlingness to help us by providing at least Rs. 5000 ($72) which is the minimum requirement to be listed the names in stone print (शिला लेख) to be made after complete construction of building. We would also like to request you all to help us build this house. The followings are some of our promises for our helpers:

1. Those who donate from NRs. 1,025/- to NRs. 4,999/- is given Life membership of Nepal Red Cross Society.

2. Those who donate from NRs. 5,000/- to NRs. 24,999/- is given Life Membership of Nepal Red Cross Society as well as his/her name is printed in Stone.

3. Those who donate from NRs, 25,000/- to NRs. 99,999/- is given Distinguished Membership as well as his/her name is printed in Stone and he/she is given Token of Love with Red Cross Logo.

4. Those who donate from NRs. 1,00,000/- to NRs. 4,99,999/- is given Illustrious Membership of Nepal Red Cross Society as well as his/her name printed in Stone and he/she is given Token of Love with Red Cross Logo.

5. Those who donate from NRs. 5,00,000/- and above is given Illustrious Membership of Nepal Red Cross Society , his/her name printed in Stone and he/she is given Token of Love with Red Cross Logo as well as one of the Room in the building is named after his/her name.

You can support us by sending your donations to following :

Account holders name: Nepal Red Cross Society Balkot Sub-branch.
A/C No. 01001000052 CA
Swift code: PCBLNPKA
Bank: Prime Bank Gathaghar branch
You can make A/C Payee cheque or a draft and send to us.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

About NRCS Balkot Sub Chapter

Red Cross, an international humanitarian organization, is alleviating the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war. In the time of peace, it renders medical aid and other help to people afflicted by major disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics, and famines and performs other public service oriented functions.

There is millions of the Red Cross member all over the world and the many countries of the world have already signed the Geneva Convention to be a part of Red Cross. There are many international Red Cross relating to Red Cross like ICRC, IFRC and so on. After 100 years of the foundation of the International Red cross, Nepal Red cross Society became the membership of the Red Cross International. The Nepal Red Cross Society has performed different humanitarian efforts so as to serve the victims suffered by the different disastrous and the other accidentals. Nepal Red Cross Society has extended its district chapters in all districts. In the same way District chapter Bhaktapur was formed in the year 2022 B.S. Similarly, Bhaktapur District Chapter has extended Subchapter in all V.D.C. Among them Balkot Subchapter was established in 2057 B.S. Since its establishment, it has been working in different humanitarian works.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

भवन निर्माणका केहि झलकहरु

Go Back

Background of Balkot V.D.C.

 Balkot V.D.C. lies in south-western part of the Bhaktapur District, which covers 4.25 of total area. Balkot VDC lies in center of 4 VDC (Dadikot VDC in East,Tikathali VDC of Lalitpur in West, Sirutar VDC in South and Madhyapur Thimi Municipality in North)  The Araniko highways touch the  VDC. It is totally Rural Area. The total population of the VDC  is 8447 individuals. People of diverse cultural backgrounds  like Brahmin, Chhetri, Newar, Tamang, Bhujel, Dalit etc.  staying in this area. Most of the people are depending on Agriculture; some are in business, service sector etc.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

15th AGM of Bhaktapur Chapter Conducted by Balkot Sub-Chapter

              15 AGM of NRCS Bhaktapur District Chapter was hosted by NRCS Balkot Sub-Chapter. The program was held on the site where the new building of NRCS Balkot Sub-Chapter was to be constructed. In preparation of the program the volunteers of sub-chapter and the youth circle of Balkot were mobilised a month before. The task was divided among the sub-committees each led by the member of working committee. Letters were distributed and the program was scheduled. The Program mainly consisting of 2 parts; A formal opening ceremony and a closed session. The opening ceremony itself was divided into section a  rally (prabhat feri) and a formal program.
In the prabhat feri, rally which was opened by the NRCS Bhaktapur Disctrict Chapter Chairperson Mr. Manoj Kumar Thapa, lots of volunteers (Adults, Youths and Juniors) of all the 19 sub-chapter  as well as different organisations, co-operative limiteds were participated. Really it was a long procession and they were spreading the words of Red Cross and Red Cross principles to the villagers from ward 1 to 9 of Balkot VDC. They marched to the main roads of Balkot VDC.

               In the formal opening ceremony chief guest was the then helath minister Uma Kant Chaudhary. He opened the program by leaving the helium filled baloons in air. In his opening speech he praised the work done by NRCS as a whole in different parts of nation and quoted some instances of NRCS support to the government during the dysentry epidemics in some district of Nepal and also the help provided by NRCS Bhaktapur Distrcit Chapter in its teritory during the most common disaster of Bhaktapur District i.e. landslide and fire. He praised the work done by the first aid team during the non violent peoples movement against the then king Gyanendra and also the first aid provided by NRCS during the Nepal bandas. He also stated the grand project of NRCS balkot sub sub-chapter to construct its own building gave well wishings for the fulfilment of the dream project and also promised to help from his side as much as he can.

             In the programe 5 executive member of all 19 sub chapter of Bhaktapur were present representing their subchapter. In the opening programe many people committed to donate cash and materials for Balkot Redcross bulding. From only that program more than NRs. 1 million  was committed.

            The closed session was held in the Gohoja hall of Eurasia Reyukai 15th branch in the chairmanship of DC chairperson Mr. Manoj Kumar Thapa. There, the scretary of NRCS Bhaktapur Chapter Mr. Krishna Gopal Lageju presented the past 1 year activities of DC and also prosented the future plan of DC. In the same way the budget of past 1 year was presented by DC treasurer Miss Krishneswori Hada. She also presented the budget distribution of the DC for upcoming fiscal year. There the representative passed all the activities and budget with some minor changes.

            So, one of the biggest program hosted by NRCS Balkot Sub-Chapter came to end in a happy node by thanking all the volunteers who have worked hard for about a month to put up this program.

First-Aid camp on Nepal Bhanda

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Nepal Red Cross Society Bhaktapur Chapter put First Aid camp in 3 places in bhaktapur district in unlimited Nepal bandha called by the Unified Nepal Communist Party Maoist starting from May 1 2010. Bhaktapur District Chapter mobilized 40 volunteer placing 10 volunteer each in 4 palces Bhaktapur,Thimi,Koteshwor and Kaushaltar. The main intension of the first aid camp was to serve both sides by keeping red cross priciple Neutrality and Impartiality in mind in case if any violent activity occur. In the camp NRCS Balkot Sub Chapter volunteer were placed in Koteshwor. The Koteshwor itself is the meeting place from the three district so it was one of the most violent places in previous band activities. So, this place was mainly focused regarding the violent activities. NRCS Balkot Sub-chapter squad in the co-ordination of the first-aid trainer and treasurer Mr. Umesh Silwal provided the first aid service in and around Koteshwor Chowk. Whenever activities occur in other places and there is need of additional volunteer they were called to do so. Other volunteer in the squad were Mr. Harihar Bhandari, Mr. Krishna Murari Poudel (present chair man of Balkot Youth Circle), Miss Sunita Silwal, Mr. Dipesh Shrestha, Mr. Rukesh Shrestha, Mr. Ravi Shrestha other 5 youth member. Different people were directly benefited from the first aid camp and people feel the presence of Red Cross when any violent activity occured.