Thursday, December 22, 2011

World AIDS Day 2011

           This December 1st, we observed World AIDS Day with the theme "Getting to zero. Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths. Together we can get there." Volunteers from NRCS balkot subchapter and NRCS Balkot Yuba Circle : Chandra Shrestha, Diwakar Silwal, Umesh Silwal,Jay Raj Poudel, Krishna murari Poudel,Sunita Silwal, Dipesh Shrestha,Rukesh Shrestha and many more had a stand in front of NRCS Balkot Subchapter buliding. In that stand they distributed the AIDS logo "Red Ribbon" about 300 in numbers to the local people to show that all of us are equally dedicated to getting zero infections. Also in that occassion they distributed about 1000s of free condoms to the local youths and people so that they would grow the habit of wearing condoms and have safer sex. The posters and pamphlets about the HIV/AIDS and other STDs were also displayed there.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

49th Nepal Red Cross Day observed

This monday, september 5th 2011, NRCS Balkot Subchapter observed 49th Nepal Red Cross Day with lighting candles all around the newly constructed building. In that program volunteers of subchapter as well as Balkot Yuba Circle were present. On the occassion the district chapter representative Mr. Rajan Khadka praised the construction committee for fulfilling the dream project and stated lot more to be done to complete the dream. In the same way vice chairman Mr. Chandra Krishna Shrestha and vice secretary Mr. Jayaraj Poudel had presented the achievement gained by the society by constructing the builing. Mr. Umesh Silwal, Treasurer of NRCS Balkot Subchapter stated the difficulties faced by the volunteers during construction as well as fund raising/collection. He also put forward the total expenditure till date and erged for the effective action for collection of the amount that has been already announced.

Mr. Krishna Murari Poudel, Chairman of NRCS BYC, put forward an idea to publish the youth bulletin on the auspecious occassion of Dashain and asked everyone to help him in this regard. Mr. Laba Kumar Karki, Chairman NRCS Balkot Subchapter, concluded the program by stating the fact about Nepal Red Cross Society, that it has been the largest humanitarian organisation and has been able to serve the general people in many aspect. We should not forget the day when it started and this day will encourage us to be active and more mobilised in society for the betterment of people.

We should not forget that NRCS Baktapur chapter has also marked the same day in the morning along with other sub-chapters inside bhaktapur.
Building in it's new look. Much more to be done still.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Highest time blood donation organiser in Bhaktapur

On the occasion of World Blood Donation Day 2011, June 16th, Bhaktapur district chapter organised a program where, Blood donor of all over the district participated. It was a formal program for the marking of world blood donation day. Bhaktapur Blood Bank has been supplying the blood to the needy person when ever there is need. So, the slogan of Bhaktapur Blood Bank, 'If you are in need of blood, go to Bhaktapur' has been up to now fulfilled. No one who came to Bhaktapur for blood has returned bare handed. Bhaktapur has been a great supplier of blood. This has not been an easy task without the support of volunteer donors of NRCS Bhaktapur District Chapter and the sub-chapters within it. Sub-chapters, youth circles and Club-25 has been mobilised to organise a blood donation program through out the year, so that there is availability of blood even during the scarce period and also during festive seasons.
To encourage its donor and the organiser, Bhaktapur District Chapter, every year organize a formal program in World Blood Donation Day. In this day it also give awards to the highest time donor and highest time organiser of Blood Donation Program. This program has been a great success, as it is able to encourage the organisers each year. For the past couple of years, Balkot sub-chapter has own the award of maximum time blood donation program organiser inside bhaktapur district. This year too it has own the award. This would not have been achieved without the support of volunteer blood donors of NRCS balkot sub-chapter. So, in this occasion, this sub-chapter would like to dedicate this award to all our voluteer blood donors and other volunteers and agencies who supported in our blood donation program. With this award, NRCS Balkot Sub-Chapter has been energized a lot to work in this field to fulfill the blood demand need of Nepal. As well as this has fertilized the thought of NRCS Balkot Sub-chapter in its dream to finally open a blood bank in its new building. 

Thanks to all Volunteers.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The best sub-chapter in Bhaktapur 2067

NRCS Bhaktapur Chapter on 17th March conducted its 16th Annual General Assembly. Among the other activities the most important part for us is the announcement that was held during the Assembly that NRCS Balkot Sub-Chapter has been the most active regarding it's activities through out the year. Among 19 other sub-chapter, Balkot this time has been most active in it's activities as well as fund raising for it's new building. Last year we cannot forget that we had annouced to construct the multi purpose, earthquake resistant building whose cost was estimated as NRs12 million and this year we started construction whose frame is almost completed by this time. So, recognising this emmence effort of Balkot, Bhaktapur Chapter has annouced it as the best sub-chapter of the year. NRCS was awarded a shield for this at the moment. NRCS Balkot sub-chapter chairperson Mr. Lava Kumar Karki, while receiving the shield shared the glory with all the volunteers of Balkot Sub-Chapter and announced that they would celebrate the moment along with the upcoming Holi festival with all the volunteers in the newly constructing building and invited rest volunteers from Bhaktapur Chapter to it (More news to follow). We cannot also forget in this moment that  we have been awarded as the the sub-chapter with many times of Blood Donation through out the year among the sub-chapters of Bhaktapur Chapter this Nepal Red Cross Day. The Chairperson of Bhaktapur Chapter Mr. Manoj Kumar Thapa also announced that Bhaktapur Chapter would add up one floor to the NRCS Balkot Sub-Chapter building and use it by the Bhaktapur District Chapter to store the immediate relief material. With this news all of volunteers of Balkot were excited.

Thank you, all the volunteers of NRCS Balkot Sub-Chapter to be so active and helpful to help us get this award and hope for the same in the following years too.

Monday, April 11, 2011

NRCS-Balkot Subchapter in Community Services

             The three day long program was completed on 9th April 2011. On the day 1 i.e. April 7 2011, community cleaning program was held in the co-ordination of Jay Raj Poudel. This program was conducted by NRCS balkot subchapter with close co-ordination with Balkot Co-operative. The presence of Sub-chapter chairperson Mr. Lava Kumar Karki, Secretary Mr. Diwakar Silwal, Treasurer Mr. Umesh Silwal, Vice treasurer Mr. Harihar Bhandari and member Mrs. Sarita Neupane as well as Balkot Yuba Circle members,  Club 25 and Blood donation orientation group members made this program very successful. The sideways of main road of Balkot from the newly constructing building of NRCS Balkot Sub-chapter to the Balkot chowk had been cleaned by separating biodegradable and non degradable waste. The awareness was also created among the shopkeepers that they should not throw the waste in the road but have to collect all teh bio degradable waste in one place and non degradable in the other and to dispose them accordingly.

             On April 8, a rally was organised in co-ordination with Mount View School Balkot. The co-ordinator of the program was secratory Mr. Diwakar Silwal. The march started from Balkot chowk and visited Balkot, Sirutar and Changathali VDC with the main theam of peace and cleanliness. The rally lasted about whole morning where not only the students of Mount View School but also the volunteers from NRCS  Balkot Subchapter and NRCS Balkot Yuba Circle marched throughout with playcard about peace and cleanliness in their hands.

             On April 9, open blood donation program was organised by NRCS Balkot sub-chapter in close co-ordination of Aapasi co-operative. The co-ordinator of the program was the chairperson of Club 25(NRCS Balkot) Mr. Dipesh Shrestha. In the program 76 donor donate blood among which 17 were female and rest 59 male. The blood was collected by NRCS bhaktapur blood bank. This blood donation program was the 3rd time that Balkot sub chapter organised during this fiscal year 2010-2011. Sub-Chapter treasurer Mr. Umesh Silwal announced in the occasion that they will continue the good work and organise the 4th Blood Donation Program of the year in June. He added that every year NRCS Balkot sub-chapter would organise Blood Donation Program 4 times and will try to lower down the deficiency of blood supply from Bhaktapur. We are all aware of the sentence announced by Bhaktapur DC that "Ragat Napaya Bhaktapur Janu (meaning: if you don't find blood, go to bhaktapur)" he added.
           For a quick recall, Balkot sub-chapter was awarded by the highest time blood donation program organiser among the sub-chapters in bhaktapur last year. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

10th Annual General Meeting Completed

            This 12th March, all the volunteers of Nepal Red Cross Society Balkot Sub-Chapter gathered in the underconstruction building of NRCS Balkot Subchapter. The event was 10th annual general meeting of Nepal Red Cross Society Balkot Sub-chapter. The program was hosted by sub-secretary Jaya Raj Poudel and Chair person of the program was the chariperson of NRCS balkot sub-chapter Lava kumar Karki himself. The program was divided in two parts-Opening Ceremony and Closed Session.
           The illustrious member and sub-treasurer of NRCS Balkot-Subchapter Mr. Harihar Bhandari, who was also the coordinator of that program welcomed all of the distinguished guests and the participants of the meeting with is short and sweet speech. Chief guest of the program and the treasurer of NRCS Bhaktapur chapter Miss Krishneswori Hada praise the work of the committee members of the NRCS Balkot sub-chapter who made possible the huge ongoing project of the multi-purpose building. She also thanked all the donators who had donated and made that mission possible and plead others to donate more to complete the incomplete building so that building would be functional very soon. She also added that she would do her best to complete the project from her side.
           Other guests are Mr. Krishna Silwal, Chairperson of Balbinayak Primary School management committee and member of allparties alliance committee; Mr. Puran Bahadur Baniya Chhetri-Advisor and Illustrious member of  NRCS Balkot; Mr. Narayan Prasad Sanjel-Advisor and Bisista member-NRCS Balkot; Mr. Govinda Singh Bhandari- Assistant CDO kavre District; Mr. Ranjan Khadka, illustrious Member and Branch Manager Everest Bank Lazimpath; Mr. Rajan Khatri, representative Maoist Party; Mr. Shyam Rana, representative Nepali Congress Party; Mr. Narayan Basnet representative CPNUML; Mr. Mahesh Kumar Singh, sub-inspectotr Balkot VDC; Mr. Rajan Khadka BKT executive member and Immediate past president NRCS Balkot sub-chapter and Mr. Ram Prasad Dawadi, Social Worker. Those guest praised the work of the volunteers to build that building which stands as the asset of the Balkot VDC itself and the various services provided by this building would be the longterm profit of the residents of Balkot VDC. So, they promised to help from their side to complete that building.
           During the closed session, Mr. Diwakar Silwal , Secretary of NRCS Balkot sub-branch presented the various activities performed by NRCS Balkot Sub-chapter in the fiscal year 2066-2067 and also the future plans of fiscal year 2067-2068. Also the treasurer of NRCS Balkot sub-chapter, Mr. Umesh Silwal presented the income and expenditure sheet of fiscal year 2066-67. Everyone, during the program, were enjoyed and excited because the whole program was organised in the new building. So, they were committed to complete that building.
          All were satisfied the outstanding devotion that has been shown by the volunteers of NRCS Balkot sub-chapter in the construction of building. Not only they have donated money but also the valuable time to make the ambitious project to be completed. During the thanking speech by Mr. Lava Kumar Karki, the chairperson of the program and NRCS Balkot sub-chapter, thanked all the donors and volunteers and also showed same expection to get from them in future also. During the whole program, youth volunteers were mobilised.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

तल्लो जाती

रचनाकारः उमेश परियार
कुन जुनीमा गरेथेँ भुल जन्म लिएँ तल्लो जाती ।
दुनियाँको पिडा आज थाप्नु पर् यो छाती माथि ॥

छुवा छुतको वारना गर्छन् आफु भन्दा माथ्लो जाती ।
किन यस्तो पिडा दिन्छन्  भनी मलाई तल्लो जाती ॥
कुन जुनिमा गरेथें भुल जन्म लिएँ तल्लो जाती ॥

कम्प्युटरको जमानामा आज घमण्ड गर्छन् माथ्लो भनी ।
के नै अन्तर रहेछ ममा भन्छन् मलाई तल्लो जाती ॥
कुन जुनिमा गरेथें भुल जन्म लिएँ तल्लो जाती ॥

समयले आज हेर बढाइसक्यो पाइला माथि ।
एक पल्ट मात्र होइन सयौं पल्ट भनी भनी ॥
हेला गरी भनी रहन्छन् तल्लो जाती तल्लो जाती ॥

भेद भाव केही नगर्ने तल्लो होकि माथ्लो जाती ।
चेतनाको दियो बाल्ने रेडक्रस रहेछ हाम्रो साथी ।

Thursday, January 13, 2011

रेडक्रस छ साथैमा

रचनाकार : कृष्ण मुरारी पौडेल
परोपकार गर्न नि पाईने,
आपत पर्दा आफैलाई चाहिने ।
रेडक्रस छ साथैमा,
मानवीय सेवा नै धर्म हो,
देउ हात हातैमा ।।
सीप र शिक्षा झन् बढी खार्नलाई,
भविष्यलाई उज्यालो पार्नलाई ।
रेडक्रस छ साथैमा,
मानवीय सेवा नै धर्म हो,
देउ हात हातैमा ।।
सुन्नु पर्छ घटनाको समाचार,
थाहा पाई राखौं प्राथमिक उपचार ।
रेडक्रस छ साथैमा,
मानवीय सेवा नै धर्म हो,
देउ हात हातैमा ।।
पाइन्छ नि गौरव र आत्म सम्मान,
रक्तदान अमुल्य योगदान।
रेडक्रस छ साथैमा,
मानवीय सेवा नै धर्म हो,
देउ हात हातैमा ।।

Sunday, January 9, 2011

World AIDS Day Celebration

Nepal Red Cross Society Balkot sub chapter Nepal Red Cross Balkot Yuba Circle jointly organised a short rally and a street and street Drama in the occassion of World AIDS Day 2010 on 1st December. Here is a small clip of it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Marking Nepal Red Cross Day.

On September 4th 2010 Nepal Red Cross Balkot Yuba Circle marked Nepal Red Cross Day. On that occasion the youth volunteers from this circle gathered on the construction site of New building and lit candles around the construction site as well as around the logo of Red Cross. In this occasion IPP of NRCS BYC and treasurer of present working committee of NRCS Balkot sub-chapter Umesh Silwal said that the contribution of youth in the new building can not be ignored and they have supported in every ups and downs of the sub chapter. Also the advisor of NRCS BYC and vice treasurer of present working committee of NRCS Balkot Subchapter Harihar Bhandari focused that youth can do much of the fund raiser activities for the newly constructing building of the subchapter. Scretary Sajan Silwal, on the occasion, told that subchapter can encourage youths by supporting on the activities and participating in the programs they are organising. President Krishna Murari Poudel concluded the program stating youths are youths and their power can't be ignored at any point of time, youth can do lots of things and NRCS BYC is capable of doing it.
Here are some pictures associated with the activities:
Candle lights around Red Cross Logo

Scretary Sajan Silwal lighting candle in logo.

Volunteers in action.

Youth volunteers in front of Red Cross Logo.Volunteers in action.